
The Guangzhou Rubber Exhibition in May 2013

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The Guangzhou Rubber Exhibition in May 2013

date:[2019-08-03]     pk_hits:

The factory will carry 2013 newest clip chain attached to the bone machines and other machines to participate in Chinaplas in Guangzhou on May 20 -23, 2011, The booth number 13.1A21 will welcome you to come to my factory booth and guidance.

If you have any questions or suggestions about the product, or if you want to know more, you can contact us at any time.

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    Contact Us

  • Add:Room 101 Building 9 Wanyang Zhongchuang City No. 9 Yangyu Road Binhai New Area Pingyang County Wenzhou City Zhejiang Province
  • Tel:0577-63099915
  • Fax:0577-63099915
  • 15068436659 More contact
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